Users and roles
User settings and controls

Administrative rights


With Administrative rights you can assign specific administrative rights to users without making them administrators. To do this, go to the Users tab in User management, select a user and open Administrative rights tab.

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Here you can grant users access rights to manage all organization vaults, view the history of actions related to settings and users, access license info and upload license keys, view and modify the SSO settings and background tasks.

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User management

Here you can grant users access rights to view and modify User management parameters. These include any necessary actions with users and roles, such as creating, deleting, and editing users, changing their authorization type and sending invites.

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System settings

Here you can grant users the right to view and modify specific groups of System settings.

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LDAP settings

Here you can grant users the right to view and modify LDAP parameters which include adding and deleting servers, registering new users, managing group lists, viewing and configuring synchronization settings.

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