Interface overview
Navigation pane



Bin is available in Passwork version 6.2.0 and above.

Bin contains deleted passwords and folders from the vaults where you have administrative or full access rights. Only administrators of vaults and users with full access can delete passwords and folders.

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1. On the Navigation pane, select Bin 2. The list of deleted items will be displayed on the right

Each entry includes the username of a person who deleted the data, the initial directory and the date of deletion.

Restore passwords and folders

Passwords and folders can be restored to their initial directories if they still exist. Permissions will be set according to the current permissions in the initial directory. When restoring folders to a different directory, access levels will be determined by the permissions of the new directory.

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1. Navigate to the Bin and select one or more items 2. Go to the Choose action menu and select Restore

Permanently delete passwords and folders

Be careful when deleting passwords and folders from the Bin. This action is irreversible and your data cannot be restored.

Passwords and folders remain in your Bin until you or an administrator manually deletes them or empties the Bin.

Delete selected items

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1. Navigate to the Bin and select one or more items 2. Go to the Choose action menu and select Delete

Empty Bin

Click Empty Bin to delete all items from the Bin:

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