Users and roles
User settings and controls

User status


Following statuses can be assigned to Passwork users:

  • Owner of an organization is created during Passwork installation. The owner can add administrators, manage users, roles and settings. The owner cannot be deleted or replaced by other administrators.
  • Administrator has access to all organization vaults and the ability to manage all Passwork settings, users and roles.
  • Member is a regular user with access to specific vaults within the organization. Vault access is granted by vault administrators. A member can have administrative rights within a specific vault, acting as an administrator for that vault.

In Passwork 6.3, we introduced the Administrative rights feature, which allows you to assign additional rights to users without making them an administrator. For more details, refer to the Administrative rights page.

Change status

To change a user's status, navigate to the Users tab in User management, select the user whose status you want to change and select a new status from the dropdown menu:

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